Vantage Builders has completed the build-out of Red Dog Pet Resort & Spa Northshore.  

The 2-story, 15,500-square-foot facility is located at 190 Walnut St. in Saugus. This is the second Massachusetts location for the dog spa company, which provides day care, grooming, overnight stay and training to dogs and cats. 

The site will have kennels, grooming areas, outdoor activity areas and breakrooms for both staff and animals. Vantage Builders installed an air circulation system that replaces air in the building every 10 minutes to reduce odors, bacteria and germs in the dog resort. This, in addition to new plumbing, HVAC and fire alarm systems, ensures the resort will be safe and clean for animals and humans alike.  

Vantage Builders Completes Pet Spa in Saugus

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