An illustration of the new coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19. Image courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control.

After weeks of declining numbers of new COVID-19 cases, Massachusetts saw infection rates increase in recent days.

To keep the virus under control, Gov. Charlie Baker is hinting that the state could reevaluate some aspects of its economic reopening strategy.

“We’ve only had a slight uptick from a low of 1.7 percent to 2 percent, but we’ll be forced to adjust our plans if the data warrants it,” Baker told reporters following a tour of the MedFlight Headquarters in Bedford. “That could mean gathering sizes could be reduced or we could make some of our business regulations more strict. Reopening and staying open is obviously a big part of the goal, but obviously, we can’t do that if we don’t have everybody’s help to continue to move forward.”

What should the state do? Take our poll and tell us.


Weekly Poll: Should Massachusetts Roll Back its Reopening?

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min