Big Apartment Landlords Report More Rent Increases
Two publicly-traded apartment landlords reported big rent increases in their New England portfolios amid a recovery of the multifamily market.
Two publicly-traded apartment landlords reported big rent increases in their New England portfolios amid a recovery of the multifamily market.
The developer of downtown Boston’s newest luxury condo tower is counting on the Gronkowski family’s name recognition and growing fitness equipment empire to spotlight the property’s health club offering.
Brokers for the newest development in Boston’s Seaport District, 10 World Trade, say the distinctive design of the 555,000-square-foot tower will enable them to compete for leading industry firms as anchor tenants.
Longtime residents of a Fenway roominghouse are seeking to acquire the property to maintain its historical use as affordable housing for women and prevent a potential sale to a for-profit developer.
As Boston-area companies sort their way through return-to-office plans, PUMA has a distinct advantage: a newly-minted headquarters in a 14-story office tower that includes perks ranging from a rooftop beer garden to a playing court atop the parking garage.
After eye-catching plans were released for the 29-story “One Mystic” apartment tower in Charlestown, questions remained about the little-known firm behind the project.
Tucked between the former Hancock Tower and 100 Clarendon parking garage, the future home of the $400-million Raffles Boston Back Bay Hotel & Residences has literally kept a low profile since site work began in mid-2019.
Developer Charles Zammuto took a DIY approach to his latest venture, combining his artistic hobby with a theater theme at the newly-completed Magoun Square development called 519 on Broadway.
Sales activity at EchelonSeaport could be a good barometer of what to expect in the Boston luxury condo market for 2020: healthy demand for smaller, more efficient units that appeal to buyers in the sub-$1 million range.
Commercial real estate’s lack of diversity is a reflection of its word-of-mouth recruiting networks and the industry’s low profile among college students as a career option. Now, NAIOP-MA says its efforts to attack the problem are starting to pay off.
Two Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway parcels that have remained blank slates since completion of the Big Dig await their next act.
Miami-based developer Crescent Heights bills NEMA Boston as the city’s “smartest” new address, loaded with high-tech perks such as algorithm-dispatched elevators, interior LTE antennas and convertible furniture by Boston-based startup Ori Inc.
From the world of fast-food this week comes a pair of stories that point to the intersection of transportation, GPS data tracking and commercial real estate.
Party balloons and a jazz ensemble livened up the City Hall lobby for a birthday party marking the half-century mark for one of Boston’s most polarizing architectural statements.
Celtics fans watching a recent national broadcast might have been distracted from slam dunks and pick and rolls by a startling sight: what appeared to be an orange halo of flames shooting from the top of Boston’s 11th-tallest building.
Visitors to the First Church of Christ, Scientist’s property in Boston will notice some subtle changes to its iconic reflecting pool and plaza next spring, but the most dramatic updates are taking place beneath the surface.
You could fit more than 30 microapartments inside the largest penthouse on the market in Greater Boston.
As the former Arsenal Mall in Watertown is partially demolished to make way for the mixed-use Arsenal Yards development, one question remains unresolved: what’s happening to the old Boston Garden scoreboard that used to hang above the mall’s food court?
Owners of the Kimpton Nine Zero hotel sought to refresh the property with a nod to Boston history while steering clear of the local cliches.
A boutique luxury condominium building recently completed in Boston’s Fort Point, is raising the bar for condo prices in a neighborhood better known for its lively restaurant scene and tech company expansions.