Bay State Savings Bank President and CEO Peter Alden, left, poses with NEADS trainer Magan Blake, center, and Bay State Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Marketing and Retail Banking Diane Giampa as they and the bank's mascot "Benjie" present a check to NEADS following a fundraiser for the nonprofit. Photo courtesy of Bay State Bank

Bay State Bank

Worcester-based Bay State Bank raised $6,410 for NEADS, a nonprofit that trains service dogs for people who are deaf or have a physical or developmental disability or are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Direct Federal Credit Union

Needham-based Direct Federal Credit Union donated $11,000 to 24 “local heroes” nominated by residents of the credit union’s service area for acts of kindness.

First Citizens Federal Credit Union

Fairhaven-based First Citizens Federal Credit Union awarded $5,000 scholarships each to three local high school students from New Bedford and Harwich.

RTN Federal Credit Union

Waltham-based RTN Federal Credit Union co-sponsored and presented a virtual “Basics of Money Management” seminar for 15 summer interns at Africano Waltham, a local youth and social services nonprofit that helps local immigrants.

Community Good Works

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