Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. employees participated in ICycle 2016, an hour-long outdoor spin class, to support HomeStart.

Bank of Cape Cod, Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp., Florence Bank and more are featured in our weekly roundup of organizations giving back to their communities.


Bank of Cape Cod

Bank of Cape Cod distributed $3,000 to the JFK Hyannis Museum as an installment of the bank’s pledge to the museum’s capital campaign.


Bristol County Savings Bank

Bristol County Savings Bank recently awarded grants totaling $35,000 to seven New Bedford and Dartmouth area nonprofits during a recent ceremony at the bank’s New Bedford branch.


Cape Cod Five

Cape Cod Five awarded a bonus $500 educational mini-grant to a Nantucket educator, Cyrus Peirce Middle School teacher Cara Seal, who was selected by her peers to receive the additional funding.


East Cambridge Savings Bank

East Cambridge Savings Bank is sponsoring the 2016 Jordan’s Boys & Girls Club Breakfast Series, a fundraiser supporting the club’s mission to encourage young people to realize their full potential.


Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation

Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. employees participated in ICycle 2016, an hour-long outdoor spin class, to support HomeStart, a Boston-based nonprofit that helps homeless individuals and families find and stay in permanent housing. The event is designed to give participants a taste of the weather conditions and exhaustion that members of the homeless population face daily throughout the winter.


Florence Bank

Florence Bank will host its fifth annual Adopt-a-Pet Day for Dakin Humane Society on March 9.


Jeanne DArc Credit Union

Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union employees, business partners, members and supporters raised over $43,000 at the credit union’s annual We Share A Common Thread Foundation Fundraiser, which provides monetary support to numerous charities and organizations who are dedicated to helping people in the community.


North Shore Bank

North Shore Bank has established a permanent endowment to provide an annual four-year financial assistance scholarship to a Salem State University student as part of Salem State University Foundation’s 10,000 Reasons Campaign.


Rollstone Bank & Trust

Rollstone Bank & Trust recently donated $1,000 to Just Understand My Potential (JUMP), a nonprofit educational organization that conducts Outdoor Leadership Training programs for youth.



SpencerBANK recently donated $5,000 to the Leicester Public Library renovation fund as the first installment of a three-year, $15,000 pledge to the Library’s Capital Campaign.

Community Good Works

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min