The saga of the benighted OCC foreclosure reviews drags on. Dealbook has a good post about the latest developments — now apparently the banks themselves will be undertaking some sort of review to identify borrowers deserving compensation? This a mere month after they blew up the consultants’ reveiw and inked a new deal promising flat fee cash settlements….personally I’ve got to wonder who, precisely, in the banks’ understaffed back ends will be getting saddled with this duty. And whether they can manage to fit this little federally mandated once-over in at the same time they’re reviewing their whole distressed loan portfolios for HAMP applications, in-house mods programs and various settlements, including the one with the 49 state’s attorney’s general. The servicing departments at the mega-banks must be hiring from a deep pool of one-armed paperhangers if they’re pulling this off.

Fox, Meet Hen House

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min