Your House Can Hurt You

A new analysis of Consumer Product Safety Commission data shows that millions of visits to local emergency rooms are the result of accidents in the home.

Sellers: Follow the Golden Rule

The manner in which sellers leave their homes for the next owners says a lot about their character. But considerate sellers exist, and they get rewarded by the housing market.

Spotting Design Flaws

No newly constructed house is perfect. That’s why builders employ customer service teams to go back after customers move in and rectify whatever issues have popped up.

Fixed-Rate Loan Payments Can Go Up

If you have a fixed-rate mortgage, your payments will always stay the same, right? Wrong. Taxes and insurance premiums invariably rise – which means your house payment does, too.

Put Your Listings to the Nose Test

Nothing turns up buyers’ noses faster than a smelly house. They walk in, stop, take a whiff and are ready to turn around and leave. Some won’t even go beyond the front door.

Which Comes First? A Buyer’s Dilemma

Young people have many options when it comes to homeownership – perhaps too many. Should they get married first or buy their first home? Buy a dream car or a house? Find a dream house or a dream mortgage rate?

Foreign Firms Make Inroads on U.S. Homebuilding

As federal and state authorities continue to clamp down on foreign investments in American businesses and real estate that could pose a risk to national security, some foreign entities are expanding into American homebuilding.

These Show Homes Take Different Paths

Two model homes being showcased at this week’s International Builders’ Show try to offer solutions to some of today’s biggest challenges: sustainability and the difficulty of “trading up” as your family changes.

No Immigrants, No New Housing

For any number of reasons, U.S.-born workers have been reluctant to join the construction workforce, leading to consistent labor shortages and rising wages – meaning the prices of new housing is going up, too.

Appraisals Fail Many Sellers

The real estate community has long complained about appraisals that lagged the market, but the report from the FHFA documents that their gripes are valid: Undervaluations spiked to 15 percent in 2021.