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A coalition of business groups, ride-hailing companies and delivery services is touting significant voter support for legislation that would keep drivers on app-based platforms designated as independent contractors rather than employees.

The Massachusetts Coalition for Independent Work, which launched last month as companies such as Uber and Lyft target worker classification reforms similar to those they secured in California, published on Tuesday the results of a poll it commissioned finding a majority of voters back a bill (H.1234) filed by Rep. Mark Cusack.

The poll of 1,003 voters told participants that a bill before the legislature would ensure that app-based drivers retain their independence and flexibility. Voters were told the proposal would offer drivers more benefits than they have now, but not as many as they would receive if they were given full employee status.

Seventy percent of voters supported the proposal as described by pollsters, compared to 19 percent who opposed it and 11 percent who said they were not sure, according to a copy of the results provided by the coalition. The poll was conducted by Beacon Research from March 18 to March 24.

“Poll after poll shows that drivers overwhelmingly want to maintain the flexibility they have to work where and when they want,” Conor Yunits, a spokesperson for the coalition, said in a statement. “Now that Massachusetts voters are starting to hear more about this issue, an overwhelming 70% support offering drivers more benefits while ensuring they keep the flexibility they value. We are confident that legislators will listen to Commonwealth workers and residents.”

The issue is primed for intense debate in Massachusetts, particularly in the wake of California’s passage of Proposition 22. Uber, Lyft and DoorDash together spent more than $200 million campaigning for that ballot question, which exempted them from a new state law requiring drivers to be treated as employees.

While ride-hailing companies and business groups push to keep drivers as independent contractors, Attorney General Maura Healey is suing Uber and Lyft, alleging that they violate state wage and hour laws by denying employee status.

Gig Worker Classification Debate Heats Up With New Poll

by State House News Service time to read: 1 min