Holliday Fenoglio Fowler LP (HFF) has secured $345 million in first mortgage and mezzanine financing for Charles River Plaza North in Boston.

The 354,594-square-foot office and research building is adjacent to and leased by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).

HFF worked on behalf of the borrower, The Davis Cos., and Marcus Partners Inc., developers and owners of the property, to secure a $245 million, fixed-rate loan from USB and a $100 million mezzanine loan with TIAA-CREF. Loan proceeds will be used to refinance an existing loan HFF arranged for the borrower in 2007.

Along with MGH, tenants within the development include Whole Foods, CVS and the Schepens Eye Institute. Charles River Plaza North is used as a lab and research facility for the Center for Systems Biology, the Center for Regenerative Medicine, the Center for Computational and Integrative Biology, the Wellman Center for Photomedicine and the Center for Human Genetic Research.

HFF Secures $345 Million in Financing For Charles River Plaza North

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min