Shoppers explore Macy's new small-format store in Highland, Indiana on opening day, Aug. 19, 2023. The company said it plans to open a similar store in Boston in September. Photo by Jean-Marc Giboux | AP Images for Macy's Inc.

Retailer Macy’s has picked Edens’ South Bay Center in Dorchester as one of four launch locations for its new small-format store concept.

The company said Tuesday the South Bay outpost will open in September alongside a Las Vegas sibling, with other stores in Highland, Indiana and San Diego, California opening in August and November, respectively.

It was not immediately clear from Macy’s announcement how much space its new Dorchester location would take, but described its small-format stores as ranging from 30,000 square feet to 50,000 square feet, and targeted at “off-mall” shopping centers like the South Bay power center. The goal would be to offer a “curated” selection of clothes, beauty products, luggage and fragrances from the brands already featured in the company’s legacy anchor stores, along with revamped, social media-friendly fitting rooms, a “trend pavilion” for highlighting seasonal merchandise and responding to rapid changes in customer taste and a desk dedicated to returns, exchanges and online order pick-up.

The four new stores follow eight iterations of an earlier small-store format that launched in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Atlanta, St. Louis and Chicago between 2020 and 2022.

“We’re thrilled by the success of our small-format stores and ongoing geographic expansion with our inaugural move into the Northeast and Western region,” Macy’s Chief Stores Officer Marc Mastronardi said in a statement. “As a growth vector for Macy’s, Inc., small-format stores offer a curated shopping experience celebrating discovery and convenience. These stores optimize our physical store footprint and bring us closer to existing and desired customers while encouraging more frequent visits.”

Macy’s to Launch Small-Format Concept in Dorchester

by James Sanna time to read: 1 min