Mohegan Sun announced Friday evening that it will explore non-gaming projects on a site it has rights to in Palmer, following a Nov. 5 referendum election in which voters failed to approve a $1 billion resort casino project.

"We have been deeply committed to this community for more than five years, and we remain so through our long-term interest in 152 acres off Route 32 and the Massachusetts Turnpike," Mitchell Etess, CEO of the Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority, said in a statement. "The site off Exit 8 in Palmer remains an excellent opportunity for commercial development, and we look forward to coordinating efforts with Palmer so that it is developed for maximum benefit to the community."

Estess also stated that he "like so many people in Palmer" was "incredibly disappointed" in the results of the Nov. 5 vote.

Mohegan Sun Massachusetts and the Yes for Palmer Committee previously requested a recount of all ballots after the Nov. 5 referendum election results. Following an analysis performed Mohegan Sun and Yes for Palmer staff, the company has determined that the outcome is "unlikely to change as a result of the recount," according to a press release.

Mohegan Sun To Consider Alternative Commercial Developments For Palmer Site

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min