Fallon Co.’s next phase of the Boston Fan Pier development, a 252,000-square-foot condo tower, is expected to break ground in late summer.

City officials are reviewing designs for 50 Liberty Drive, a 14-story complex on the South Boston waterfront. The L-shaped condo tower would be built on parcel D, which sits directly east of the 109-unit Twenty Two Liberty condo tower now under construction.

The new building would include 15,000 square feet of civic and retail space, including areas used by the New England Aquarium, Boston Children’s Museum and the Boston Harbor Island Alliance.

Retail storefronts would wrap around the base of the building, according to plans submitted by Boston-based Elkus Manfredi Architects to the Boston Redevelopment Authority.

The plans are being reviewed by the Boston Civic Design Commission, which reviews the aesthetics of significant developments. At a recent meeting, members discussed refining the sculptural qualities of the tower and improving the base’s relationship to Fan Pier Boulevard, which runs between the building and Twenty Two Liberty.

A final vote is expected as soon as May 5, BRA spokesman Nick Martin said.

Fallon Co. hopes to break ground in early August. The project also would include completion of the waterfront Fan Pier Park and a public pavilion containing a cafe, showers and restrooms.

The 21-acre Fan Pier project will contain up to 3 million square feet of mixed-use development.

Next Fan Pier Condo Tower Designs Released

by Steve Adams time to read: 1 min