Berkshire Bank has been recognized by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as having the most guaranteed loans in Vermont during the fiscal year.

The bank was acknowledged the Vermont District office during SBA’s Annual Meeting and Awards event as closing 68 loans at the end of the fiscal year and for supporting various SBA loan programs.

Berkshire Bank was also recognized as a “Top SBA Lender” in the capital and central regions of New York and Western Massachusetts and was awarded the Lender of the Quarter award for the fourth quarter fiscal year in Connecticut.

Small business loans in Vermont have risen 26 percent since the 2014 fiscal year. Vermont’s loan volume by dollars has shown an increase ­– the third highest percentage in the country – from $33.9 million to $53.5 million.

SBA Honors Berkshire Bank At Annual Meeting

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min