Content marketing has been widely adopted by the fintech industry, although improvement is still needed to better connect with customers.

Boston-based BackBay Communications, a financial services public relations and content marketing firm, recently unveiled a new study assessing the adoption and quality of content marketing and social media strategies among the top 100 global fintech firms. The study found that 96 percent of the 50 largest and 50 most promising fintech companies as defined by KPMG rankings produce thought leadership regularly, with 66 percent of those doing so on a monthly or weekly basis. Nearly half (46 percent) of the companies analyzed work across three to four different mediums or content types.

Given how prolific fintech firms are in creating and distributing content, the study also examined case studies to highlight effective content marketing strategies as well as efforts that fall flat.

“In the past, we’ve produced similar studies for asset managers and private equity firms to help them benchmark their efforts in this area,” Ken MacFadyen, head of content development at BackBay Communications, said in a statement. “The ubiquity of content marketing in fintech, however, shifts the focus to quality. The case studies demonstrate the impact of content when it’s done right, but also provide key learnings for those looking to initiate a content program or augment what they’re already doing.”

The study found that nearly all of the fintechs analyzed  (99 percent) have an active social media presence, with LinkedIn being the most widely adopted (98 percent), followed by Twitter (90 percent) and Instagram (64 percent).

Fintech companies predominantly gravitate to either insights and commentary (88 percent) and videos (86 percent) as their preferred mediums, while nearly half (45 percent) have produced podcasts or webinars over the past 12 months.

Three unique challenges the study found for fintech content marketing strategies are translating the tech jargon for their audiences, avoiding overtly promotional content and leveraging the content across an integrated communications program.

Study Finds Fintechs Lean on Content Marketing to Connect With Customers

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min