A new study from WalletHub has ranked Massachusetts as the fifth best state in the nation for working moms.
The study compared the states against three dimensions – child care, professional opportunities and work-life balance.
According to WalletHub, women today make up almost half of the American workforce, slightly less than three quarters of whom are solo moms with young children. Yet women still earn only $0.79 for every dollar in comparison to their male peers and have far less upward mobility, as evidenced by the fact that only 4 percent of S&P 500 companies’ chief executives are female. Still, the new crop of high-profile female CEOs appear to remain drastically underpaid compared with their male counterparts, WalletHub reported.
Massachusetts earned a score of two in child care, came 21st in professional opportunities and 30th in work-life balance. Vermont ranked as the top state for working moms, and Nevada came in last.
The study also found that blue, Democratic states are friendlier to working moms than red, Republican states. The states were designated by blue or red based on how they voted in the 2012 presidential election.