JLL Construction has begun construction on the Cousens Gymnasium façade restoration project at Tufts University in Medford.

Project work includes lintel replacement, repointing of façade and chimney, selective repair and replacement of brick and cast stone elements, waterproofing of all façade elements and exposed foundation and the refurbishment/reconstruction of main entry stairs, among other improvements.

Large energy recovery ventilator units will be added to ventilate the space and conditioning will be added to the front offices. Cracking on the inside faces of the exterior walls and foundation will be repaired and the walls will be repainted.

Cousens Gymnasium, which opened in 1932, was named for Tufts’ sixth president John Albert Cousens, an advocate for sports and fitness. Cousens Gym has hosted musical legends including Simon and Garfunkle and The Band.

"This is a high profile restoration program for Tufts on one of their most significant buildings on campus," JLL Project Manager Bob Kelly said in a statement. "We are excited to be a part of the team, which includes Timothy D. Smith Architects out of Bennington, Vt."

JLL’s superintendent Steve Delisle and estimator Drew Dana will assist with the work. The project is scheduled for completion in November.

Tufts Begins Restoration Of Cousens Gymnasium

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