housing bill

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Housing advocates say data suggests as many as 178,000 renter households could be in need of some kind of housing assistance when the federal government’s enhanced unemployment payments run out at the end of July if unemployment figures don’t budge.

And some landlord groups say the state needs to consider guaranteeing all rent payments as the state economy struggles to fully restart.

However, rent collection data has so stayed relatively strong.

With Massachusetts’ eviction moratorium likely ending Aug. 18, these issues will likely come to a head this summer in what some fear could be a wave of evictions as landlords try to empty apartments of tenants in arrears in search of ones who can pay. But will such dark visions come to pass? Take our poll and tell us what your gut tells you.


Weekly Poll: Should Mass. Fear an Eviction Crisis?

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min