For some office workers, the sudden transition to working from home has been fantastic. For others, though, it’s been horrendous. Where do you sit?

It’s clear that as Massachusetts reopens, government regulations, company policy and worker fears will collectively reduce the total number of people in offices on any given day. And the learning experience could cause companies and individual managers to liberalize work-from-home policies.

But, at the end of the day, much depends on individual workers’ preferences: Do they miss the collaboration? Or is the lack of a commute enough of a boon to make up for the endless stream of Slack messages and Zoom meetings? Is productivity up without distractions or down thanks to the proximity of pets, kids and Netflix?

Take our weekly poll and tell us how you feel:

Weekly Poll: Will You Work from Home More, Post-Pandemic?

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min