by Banker & Tradesman | Jan 24, 2021
The recipe for success in Quincy is patience. After a decade of planning and waiting, the revitalization of Quincy Center is well underway. More than 700 apartments and condos have opened in the last three years alone.
by Banker & Tradesman | Dec 24, 2017
With the acceptance of Quincy’s Urban Revitalization and Development Plan and changes to the city’s zoning laws, transforming the city’s downtown into a place where people want to live, work, eat and shop is a top priority for city officials.
by Banker & Tradesman | May 17, 2017
Under the first warm sunny day in weeks, Quincy city officials and LBC Boston executives took sledge hammers to the 1500 Hancock St. block to officially begin its demolition and construction of a new, modern, commercial and residential property for the city’s downtown.
by Banker & Tradesman | Apr 20, 2017
The Quincy City Council unanimously voted on Tuesday to move forward on the development and reconstruction a mixed-use project.