The Federal Reserve headquarters in Washington, D.C. Photo courtesy of Dan Smith / CC BY-SA 2.0

As Massachusetts and the nation slide towards a recession whose potential depth and breadth is hard to fathom, policymakers are scrambling to prevent the national economy from falling too far, too fast.

The Federal Reserve took massive emergency action Sunday to help the economy withstand the coronavirus by slashing its benchmark interest rate to near zero and saying it would buy $700 billion in Treasury and mortgage bonds. Just yesterday, it made another move to shore up the market for commercial debt – sure to increase as companies grapple with shrinking or collapsing sales – by reviving a program it first used during the 2008 financial crisis to unclog a short-term lending market.

While Congress and the White House continue to debate a potential $1 trillion stimulus and corporate bailout bill, the markets are left to grapple with a key question: Will the Fed’s moves so far be enough? Take our poll and tell us what you think.

Weekly Poll: Will the Fed’s Moves Be Enough?

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min