Winchester Soccer Club Inc. will acquire property for and construct a series of structures using a $7 million MassDevelopment bond, purchased by Salem Five Cents Savings Bank.

The club will build two multi-sport synthetic turf playing fields, a smaller natural grass outdoor field, and a 70,000-square-foot field house. The organization will also use bond proceeds to furnish and equip the field house and build a 130-space parking lot. The project is expected to support 24 construction jobs.

Incorporated in 1980, the Winchester Soccer Club is a nonprofit that provides training, equipment, field maintenance, referees, uniforms, registration, supervision and organization for more than 1,700 soccer players.

“Nonprofit community organizations like the Winchester Soccer Club instill values of leadership and sportsmanship in our youth,” MassDevelopment President and CEO Marty Jones said in a statement. “MassDevelopment is pleased to the support the organization as it upgrades and expands its facilities to better engage and inspire future leaders of the commonwealth.”

Winchester Soccer Club To Construct New Facilities With $7M Bond

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min