by Lew Sichelman | Aug 8, 2021
Sure, stick building is still the norm. And most builders are still using model homes to show off their wares in the best light possible. But slowly and surely, they are changing the way they do business – some say for the better.
by Lew Sichelman | Sep 8, 2019
Nowadays, only a handful of residences are built entirely in a factory. Many more are built with factory-built components, such as floor and roof trusses, that are delivered to the building site. But no GM or Ford Motor Co. has emerged to take the industry by storm.
by Banker & Tradesman | Apr 30, 2017
In less than 10 years, Airbnb, Uber and Lyft have changed the way we travel across town and around the world. These young firms have harnessed disruption as a key driver in technology innovation.