Pro-Housing Group Expands Advocacy in MBTA Communities

A pro-housing advocacy group is expanding its staff to accelerate compliance with Massachusetts’ Housing Choice law, which requires 175 communities in eastern and central Massachusetts communities to allow high-density multifamily development.

Housing Is at a Tipping Point. The Next Governor Can Help

New Census data has highlighted what so many renters and would-be homebuyers have struggled with for years: Massachusetts’ housing costs are out of control. This latest data likely isn’t a surprise to my fellow business leaders who have seen firsthand the damage it’s done our state and economy.

Three Cheers for New Housing Rules

Secretary Mike Kennealy and his team at the Department of Housing and Community Development have seemingly pulled off a notable feat: finding a way to push Boston’s suburbs to allow more development without pushing so hard as to violate Massachusetts’ sacred values of local democracy.

Will the Suburbs Step Up?

Housing experts, developers and business leaders have high hopes that the recently passed Housing Choice Act will boost housing construction in Massachusetts, reversing a decades-long decline in the number of units built each year in the Bay State.