Cambridge Increases Inclusionary Housing Requirements

The Cambridge City Council unanimously passed an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance for Inclusionary Housing Monday night, increasing the amount of affordable housing that will be included in new Cambridge developments to 20 percent of residential floor area in new developments.

Former Cornerback, Now A Closer

Michael Richardson was born into a military family in South Carolina, and moved around the country several times before graduating from high school and going on study and play football at the University of Notre Dame. After graduating, he played cornerback in the NFL, including two seasons with the Patriots, before settling in the Boston area with his wife to put his marketing degree to work pursuing a career in real estate sales.

Bigger Than The Big Dig?

Professor Barry Bluestone, Northeastern University economist and head of the Dukakis Center for Urban and Regional Policy at that institution, has long advocated for the city and local colleges and universities to take a more proactive approach to housing the tens of thousands of students who come to Boston each year – and to him, the Olympics seems like a perfect opportunity to push that agenda forward.

Settlement Agent Vetting: Panacea Or Puffery?

Every once in a while, I get a call that starts “did you hear about XXX, stole XXX million from his clients.”

We commiserate, shake our heads, wring our hands and predict that this is just one more nail in the coffin of real estate practitioners.