Hines Gets $870M for South Station Tower

The 2.7 million-square-foot South Station air rights development is expected to get airborne in 2020 after decades of attempts to build offices and housing above the Boston transportation landmark.

Building a Diverse Pipeline into CRE

Commercial real estate’s lack of diversity is a reflection of its word-of-mouth recruiting networks and the industry’s low profile among college students as a career option. Now, NAIOP-MA says its efforts to attack the problem are starting to pay off.

Hotel and Affordable Housing Proposed in South Cove

A hotel, new Chinatown branch of the Boston Public Library and 171 income-restricted housing units would be part of a new South Cove development that fulfills Millennium Partners’ affordable housing obligations from its Winthrop Center tower.

Millennium Pushes the Envelope at Winthrop Center

Developer Millennium Partners didn’t anticipate a renewed debate in Congress over carbon taxes as it started designing its $1.35 billion Winthrop Center tower. But the potential to reduce the 691-foot skyscraper’s energy consumption by up to 80 percent is starting to look more prescient.

10 CRE Stories to Watch in 2019

As projects in Somerville, East Boston, Allston-Brighton and South End move forward, developers of large vacant commercial properties in Newton and Woburn are laying out plans for mixed-use projects totaling over 3 million square feet.

BPDA Approves Winthrop Square Tower

After gaining an exemption from Boston Common shadow protection laws and a last-minute redesign, Millennium Partners’ office and condominium tower received final city approvals Thursday.