IQHQ Refis Fenway, Allston Lab Sites

Lab sites in Allston and the Fenway refinanced their debt after life science developer IQHQ Inc. received $900 million in additional investments from its long-term partners.

Court Upholds Defective Foreclosure Deed

The vast majority of mortgage loans are repaid without incident, but when they go into default, peculiar twists and turns can ensue. A federal district court decision issued in January, involving a home in Framingham, offers an example.

Citizens Survey: US Business Conditions Slightly Improve

A Citizens Bank quarterly report point to a slight improvement in the business conditions in the US during the third quarter, as inflation shows signs of easing, and as the labor market and consumer spending continue to be strong despite the high interest rate environment.

Community Good Works

Rhode Island-based Citizens Bank donated $85,000 to the Greater Boston YMCA at a charity pickleball tournament it helped organize at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center’s Lawn on D park. See who else gave back.

The Fed Has Stopped Predicting a Recession. Bankers Aren’t So Sure

Two economic surveys showed that the U.S. economy is continuing to suffer from high interest environment and is likely headed for a recession after the announcement of another Federal Reserve rate hike Wednesday, even as Federal Reserve economists have stopped forecasting that recession is on the horizon.