by Scott Van Voorhis | Mar 10, 2024
The last week shows progress is likely to be two steps forward and one step back given decades of neglected maintenance at the T and the NIMBY backlash to the Healey administration’s housing plans.
by State House News Service | Oct 4, 2022
Most of the roughly 50 Venezuelan migrants who were flown to Martha’s Vineyard last month at the behest of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are still being lodged at Joint Base Cape Cod.
by Banker & Tradesman | May 3, 2019
As Gov. Charlie Baker and Lt. Gov Karyn Polito barnstorm around the state to drum up support for the administration’s signature piece of housing legislation, the Newton-Needham Regional Chamber is joining the fight.
by Banker & Tradesman | Apr 14, 2019
Efforts like Gov. Charlie Baker’s Housing Choice bill – which would amend state law to make it easier for local zoning boards to approve certain categories of housing – may assist in the creation of more market-rate housing in some communities. But it would not address the dire shortage of affordable housing units among the state’s poorest residents.
by Banker & Tradesman | Dec 9, 2018
It is beyond time for land-use and local decision makers to expand the housing conversation, to face our fears, and transform the public’s understanding of housing production.
by Banker & Tradesman | Dec 9, 2018
We’ve long known that the recovery from the Great Recession was unequal. In tandem with a report that a key housing market indicator is slowing comes several reports that highlight just how much more difficult it has been – and will continue to be – particularly for Millennials, and probably the generation after them.
by Scott Van Voorhis | Dec 9, 2018
Attorney General Maura Healey clearly can tell a true crisis from a fake one. When it comes to shortages, Massachusetts’ towns foot-dragging and obstruction on housing construction just can’t compete with the regulatory delays faced by pot shops, which she’s aggressively putting a stop to.
by State House News Service | Dec 4, 2018
Efforts to fight three major problems – a housing shortage, opioid addiction and climate change – feature prominently on Gov. Charlie Baker’s to-do list for 2019.
by Reuters | Jun 6, 2018
An acute shortage of affordable homes in the United States will continue over the coming year, according to a majority of property market analysts polled by Reuters, driving prices up faster than inflation and wage growth.
by Scott Van Voorhis | Mar 18, 2018
Did you hear the news? There’s no housing crisis after all! In fact, we have never had it so good, with homes more affordable than they have been in 40 years, not just in Peoria and Pittsburgh, but in Boston, San Francisco and New York!
by Peter Paul Payack | Mar 11, 2018
There’s no shortage of tourists on the Cape, but there is a shortage of housing.
by State House News Service | Mar 1, 2018
As Beacon Hill grapples with the intricacies of...
by Jim Morrison | Feb 4, 2018
Economics 101 says increasing demand coupled with decreasing supply equals rising prices – and to the surprise of no one, the end of this trend in the Bay State’s real estate market is nowhere in sight. The median sale price in 2017 jumped 5 percent to $365,000, a new record high, according to recently released analysis from The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman. The number of single-family homes sales dropped 1 percent year over year in the state – a difference of just 102 sales.
by Jim Morrison | Jan 29, 2018
President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address is scheduled for tomorrow, but tried to steal a little of the President’s thunder by releasing its own ‘State of the Housing Union.’
by Jim Morrison | Oct 29, 2017
There’s a lot of excitement around the possibility of Amazon delivering up to 50,000 jobs over 10 to 15 years to the local economy directly, and perhaps as many more indirectly, if the Internet behemoth builds its second headquarters here.
by Banker & Tradesman | Nov 6, 2016
Boston’s shortage of housing that is affordable to middle-income households represents a threat to the region’s ability to attract and retain a sufficient workforce, according to the findings of a report recently published by the ULI Boston/New England Housing and Economic Development Council.
by Banker & Tradesman | Mar 3, 2016
A special state senate committee on housing released...