One Lincoln Owner Details Post-State Street Repositioning

The owner of Boston’s One Lincoln St. plans a major repositioning of the 36-story office tower following the departure of State Street Corp.’s headquarters, including a new 25,000-square-foot terrace in the sky with basketball and tennis courts and outdoor dining.

Nubian Ascends Adds Labs to Proposal

The designated developer of the Blair lot property in Roxbury’s Nubian Square is adding possible life science tenancy to its strategy as it kicks off permitting for a 348,320-square-foot project.

An Industrial Remnant Regains Relevance in the Fenway

Amid the Fenway neighborhood’s transformation from a disconnected sprawl of parking lots, gas stations and auto-related uses to a vibrant, mixed-use neighborhood, one building remained stubbornly in the past: The 1 million-square-foot former Sears building now called 401 Park.