Trump Heaps Pressure on Fed and Its Chairman to Cut Rates

President Donald Trump on Wednesday continued to pressure the Federal Reserve and the central bank’s chairman to lower interest rates, saying its policies were hampering U.S. growth and reducing the country’s ability to compete economically.

Jerome Powell

Fed Set to Cut Rates for First Time in Decade. Is it a Risk?

The Fed has signaled its decision that a rate cut now – and possibly one or more additional cuts to follow – could help inoculate the economy against a potential downturn. The idea is that lowering its key short-term rate, which can affect consumer and business loans, could encourage borrowing and spending and energize the economy.

Why Federal Reserve Independence Matters

President Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked the Federal Reserve over interest rate policy and tried to appoint his political allies to its board, but why should you care? Because politicization of the Fed puts the entire U.S. economy at risk.

HUD DACA Policy Change Adds to Housing Woes

The Trump administration has decided the country’s 800,000 “Dreamers” – undocumented immigrants brought here as children but who have grown up here – are no longer eligible for federally insured mortgages, causing consternation and confusion among mortgage lenders.

Did Trump Save the Real Estate Market?

As the stock market sputtered, the local real estate market slowed dramatically. Now that the Federal Reserve has backed off plans to increase interest rates in 2019, real estate here and around the country has taken off again.